Facebook Campaign Saves ‘Gay Bulldog’ From Death

Gay Bulldog Saved By Facebook

A Facebook campaign aimed at saving the life of a “gay bulldog” has been successful.

The dog, pictured above, was originally purchased from a Tennessee shelter, then returned by its owner after they found it “cuddling” with another male dog.

A Facebook user going by the name Jackson TN Euthanasia posted about the gay bulldogs situation last week. Jackson originally wrote:

“He hunched over another male dog so his owner threw him away bc he refuses to have a ‘gay’ dog! Even if that weren’t the most assinine [sic] thing I’ve ever heard, its still discrimination! Don’t let this gorgeous dog die bc his owner is ignorant of normal dog behavior!”

The dogs photo in the original post picked up 4,300 likes and 1,300 comments.

After seeing the effective Facebook campaign a female Facebook user agreed to adopt the “gay bulldog,” thus saving its life.



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