Durex is set to donate millions of condoms to charity from now through World AIDS Day which takes place on December 1st. The company is using Twitter and Facebook to get the word out in the hopes that others will share the message. On Twitter each tweet with the hashtag #1share1condom will equal one condom donated to charity.
If you go to the Durex Facebook page every share of their World AIDS Day image or video will also equal one donated condom. Condoms will be donated to a number of different local and global charities.
As with any campaign, there is a limit. Up to 2.5 million condoms will be donated which equals a donation of approximately $600,000. 2.5 million condoms equals the number of people newly affected by AIDS in 2011.
Durex has made it very easy to connect with the cause, simple visit 1share1condom.com and you can see, in real-time, how many condoms have been donated. Clicking the blue “Donate a Condom” button will give you several pre-written messages to share.
Click the gray “Show more facts” button to see even more messages and learn more about HIV/AIDS. Durex is doing their part, so why not help out with a simple tweet or Facebook post?