When LeBron James and his huge dunks entered the NBA in 2003 fans were excited to see the leagues new star in the NBA All-Star Slam Dunk Contest. Unfortunately for the last 10 years LeBron has refused to take part in the contest.
Last year LeBron told reporters:
“It’s just not me, I’m not a dunk contest type of guy. I’m an in-game dunker. I kind of improvise during the game. I’m not for scoreboards and all that type of stuff.”
When asked if he would dunk for $1 million dollars LeBron James’ attitude changed as he quickly added:
“Then I’d reconsider. Wouldn’t you?”
Taking his consideration to heart Twenty-eight-year-old NBA fan Chris Thomas started gofundme.com/helplebrondunk. The campaign is meant to raise $1 million which would be donated to the LeBron James Family Foundation if he agrees to take part in the upcoming NBA All-Star Slam Dunk contest.
LeBron James doesn’t even have to win the contest, he just has to participate.
So far the page has raised just $2,498.00 but Chris Thomas is still hopeful that momentum will pick up and that even if he doesn’t hit $1 million that LeBron James will accept all proceeds earned and give them to charity.
LeBron James is serious about his charity fundraising which could mean a new contestant for the NBA All-Star Game Slam Dunk Contest. In fact here’s a video of LeBron tackling a fan last week after they hit a half-court shot that netted the Boys Girls Club of America a $75,000 donation.
Social fundraising is a huge part of the internet these days, the question now will be how many people will donate to a charity just to watch an NBA star dunk a basketball.