Bill Clinton Joins Twitter: Colbert Introduces World To Prez Billy Jeff

prez billy jeff

Prez Billy Jeff Clinton joined Twitter last night.

The former president sat down with Stephen Colbert for the comedian’s inaugural Colbert Galactic Initiative and ended up making a Twitter account. Clinton said that he does Facebook but that he’s been hesitant about joining Twitter.

Clinton said: “No, I’m sort of insecure. What if you tweet and no one tweets back. There’s nothing sadder than a friendless tweeter, right? You’re just wondering around in cyber space.”

The former president may have been a little uneasy about joining Twitter but he eventually agreed to join the network. Stephen Colbert apologized that he couldn’t get @PresidentClinton or @PresidentBillClinton, since both were already taken, but Colbert did manage to secure @PrezBillyJeff.

Shortly after setting up the account, Clinton sent out his first tweet.

The President hasn’t used the account since his appearance on Colbert and it’s unclear if he’ll ever use it again. But even if Clinton is a one-time Tweeter he still had a pretty successful run. He has over 60,000 followers and his first tweet was retweeted close to 4000 times.

Here’s the video of Bill Clinton’s first tweet.



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