Ashley Judd To Press Charges Against Twitter, Responds To Trolls [Watch]

ashley judd

Actress, Ashley Judd has announced she plans to press charges against social media giant, Twitter. The Guardian reports she cites her reason as the many instances of other Twitter users sexual harassing her. She isn’t the first female celebrity to feel this way. Rapper, Iggy Azalea handed her Twitter over to her management after she said social media was “is too negative and draining.” Actress, Lena Dunham also quit Twitter and said, “I deleted Twitter because I’m trying to create a safer space for myself emotionally.”

Ashley Judd, best known for acting acting roles in the 90’s and her latest role in the Divergent series, was interviewed on The Today Show, where she shared her views.

“The amount of gender violence I experience is absolutely extraordinary, and a significant part of my day today will be spent filing police reports at home about gender violence that’s directed at me on social media. Everyone needs to take personal responsibility for what they write, and not allow this misinterpretation and shaming culture on social media to persist. And by the way, I’m pressing charges.”

To show just how bad some of the tweets were, she retweeted some she had received after talking about March Madness basketball, with an apology for their content.

One example was extremely explicit: “What the hell do you even do you stuck up cunt. What are you famous for again,” read one, with another reading: “Go suck on Cal’s two inch dick ye Bitch whore.”

Twitter’s CEO, Dick Costolo has released a written statement on the incident.

“We suck at dealing with abuse and trolls on the platform and we’ve sucked at it for years… I’m frankly ashamed of how poorly we’ve dealt with this issue during my tenure as CEO. It’s absurd. There’s no excuse for it.”

He also shared with the New York Times that the company is trying to create a better plan to deal with situations like this.

“We’ve drawn a line on what constitutes harassment and abuse. I believe that we haven’t yet drawn that line to put the cost of dealing with harassment on those doing the harassing. It shouldn’t be the person who’s being harassed who has to do a lot of work.”

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