Everyone and their mom has written about Apple’s recently concluded #WWDC, with people from all over the world putting their lives on hold to watch the livestream. And what do we get from it?
Twitter is going crazy with people expressing their opinions, emotions, and excitement about iOS 8, Yosemite, and the new Metal API – among other things.
Take a look at what’s in store for us in fall, when the upgrade frenzy begins.
If you're wondering why Apple's Metal API is a big deal for games. #PlantsVSZombies #WWDC pic.twitter.com/clXC97d3KO
— Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) June 2, 2014
Latner: I can build anything using Swift from social media app to game (live blog) https://t.co/gJbwdt4n7t #WWDC pic.twitter.com/DYiHVoCqXl
— CNET (@CNET) June 2, 2014
And some funny (bashing?) tweets. Poor Forstall. And, Android, your move.
Scott Forstall is currently outside #WWDC wearing his linen stitched cape and swigging straight from the bottle.
— I Am Devloper (@iamdevloper) June 2, 2014
No one throws shade on Android like @tim_cook. #WWDC
— Owen Thomas (@owenthomas) June 2, 2014
Apple "Yea we know it was from Android or WhatsApp. But we tweak it better." #wwdc
— Pinot (@pinot) June 2, 2014
Developers (and brave souls) can get hold of the new software today.
Apple's iOS 8 is available to #WWDC developers in beta today, available to everyone else in the fall. pic.twitter.com/rqfL81l3b0
— Mashable (@mashable) June 2, 2014
It’s not all good news, though, as it seems Apple’s dropping the iPhone 4, which was their massive seller.
See Ya, iPhone 4: Apple Drops Support For A Phone That Sold Millions https://t.co/yp03GbzwAq by @adra_la #WWDC
— ReadWrite (@RWW) June 2, 2014
So, were you blown away, or are you part of the small percentage who doesn’t care/isn’t impressed?