#APieceofBurger: Courtney Barnes Interview Wins the Internet


After this news, we so need #APieceofBurger.

Earlier this week, a car accident that resulted in a police car crash was witnessed by Courtney Barnes, a previous contestant of So You Think You Can Dance. He is back with an account as colorful and flamboyant as his hair and tips, and we so need a blessing.

Nicki Minaj couldn’t even. One instagram post from her was all it took to open the floodgates to so much Courtney Barnes realness.

And the internet went wild.

McDonald’s better watch out.

Burger King better get on it!

Treat yo’self.

Would you like a side of fries with that?

Tweeps just couldn’t handle his lashes. On fleek!

Those eyebrows, tho.

In the great Antoine Dodson tradition, this interview also merited a remix.

Unfortunately, there’s an update that says Barnes has been put behind bars for contempt of court and a few other local misdemeanors. We hope he walks free soon; no jail cell could ever contain all that flamboyance.

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