Americans Enraged About Billionaires Who Almost Pay Zero Federal Income Taxes

Image source: Odd humour

Every person in America that has a business or is employed is required to pay a portion of their income to the IRS. This is called federal income tax. Even employees earning minimum wage have a certain rate they need to pay, as long as they have income. Since the explosive news from a website called ProPublica, Americans are now aware that the country’s wealthiest have found loopholes in the law that allow them to avoid income taxes. We may remember a similar conversation last year when Americans found out that Former President Trump paid only about $750 in Federal income taxes. This year, all eyes are on American billionaires since they pay almost zero federal income taxes.

Here’s what the internet has to say about that:

We must tax the rich

We may all pay higher federal income taxes than billionaires

Question the system!

Loopholes does not make it fair

Why audit low-income Americans?

Billionaires only take earnings on their wealth when it suits them

A bit hard to understand but it’s a smart move

Billionaires be like: WHEW!

Image Source: Dopl3r

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