When it comes to engaging with Twitter and Instagram the African American community have adopted the social platforms faster than white people.
The Pew Internet American Life Project conducted the survey which examined the usage habit for various platforms including Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr.
Pew surveyed 1,802 Internet users, between November 14 and December 9, 2012.
The study found that 26 percent of black Internet users reported using Twitter compared to 19 percent of Hispanics and 14 percent of whites. Those numbers are inline with Pew’s 2011 study, although the number of white users on Twitter have increased.
In investigating Instagram the Pew STudy found that 23 percent of blacks, 18 percent of Hispanics and just 11 percent of white people use the social photo sharing platform.
The tide of demographics shifted with Tumblr which is used by 8 percent of Hispanics, 6 percent of whites and just 5 percent of the black community.
Pinterest in the meantime is decidedly white with 18 percent of users. In second place on Pinterest are 10 percent of Hispanics followed by 8 percent of black respondents.
Are you surprised by the Pew Study’s demographic breakdown among races?