Indiana Goodwill workers got the surprise of their lives as they were going through donations on Friday. The merchandise sorters came across two small white boxes containing cremated human remains.
Goodwill store manager, Paula Strong, says the small boxes were inside a velvet bag that was inside a larger box.
“When she pulled them out of the red velvet bags, that is when she realized that they were from a crematory and what they were,” Strong said.
She also said it is common for Goodwill to receive strange donations from people who are cleaning out relative’s or friend’s houses, but Friday’s discovery was the strangest she has ever heard of.
Each box was labeled with a name and date. This information helped authorities to find the owners of the remains. Authorities say this was not a criminal act and the remains were donated in error.
[Photo: Michael Heinz/Journal & Courier]The story was originally reported by Lafeyette, Indiana newspaper, Journal and Courier.
Goodwill stores receive millions of pounds of donations every year, which means there is bound to be some pretty interesting finds. A Goodwill based in Fort Worth, Texas shared their strangest discoveries. The store claims donations have ranged from a live grenade (a big no,no), caskets, and even live animals.
Now we know, treasures can really be found at your local Goodwill store.