A Game of Social Thrones: When Social Platforms Go At It

game of thrones parody

In the Game of Thrones, you either play or you die. Something similar can be said in the Game of Social, don’t you think?

Well, the guys at Hootsuite seem to think so, and they came up with their own video of how the Game of Social Thrones is played; or at least the opening sequence of what could very well be a rival show to the rather funny TV show Silicon Valley.

While the video has been around for a few months, you might have missed it, and what with Game of Thrones almost gone (for now), what better time to watch parodies?

What do you think of the artwork? Which social platform do you think will win (is winning) the Game of Social Thrones?

On another note, here’s another social media slash Game of Thrones mashup.



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