A 360-Degree Video of the New Google Waymo Self-Driving Van

I, for one, am not into the Waymo. No disrespect meant to our future overlords, but self driving vans are just the start of what Cyberdyne has in store for us. It starts with the Waymo self-driving van and next think you know, some robot named Waymo who is WAY MO of a man than you (or woman, we are fluid here) steals your significant other, and thus begins the end of mankind.


Some people are genuinely curious how the Waymo self-driving van does exactly that, and this 360 degree video (you can spin it with your mouse or headset to look in any direction at any time) really shows you how the tech shines and also highlights the  forward steps we have made in society in the last five years alone:

My favorite part of the Waymo self-driving van? When it doesn’t run us over while laughing in a way that sounds like a Decepticon.

Yes, that part.




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