85 infants under age 1 have tested positive for COVID-19 in Texas


Since mid-March, 85 infants under age 1 have tested positive for COVID-19 in one Texas county and local officials are beseeching residents to help halt its dissemination.

Health authorities have confirmed more than 3.6 million coronavirus cases throughout the United States since January. According to Johns Hopkins University, roughy 140,000 people have perished. In Texas’ Nueces County, the germ has infected numerous babies and officials are begging people to practice social distancing and wear masks. Annette Rodriguez, director of public health for Corpus Christi Nueces County, said: “We currently have 85 babies under the age of one year in Nueces County that have all tested positive for Covid-19. These babies have not even had their first birthday yet. Please help us stop the spread of this disease.”

Judge Barbara Canales of Nueces County issued a statement on Monday specifying that the total of 85 infants was cumulative since mid-March when testing started and did not reflect “a sudden surge.” “For perspective, the spokesperson was utilizing that statistic to typify that no one is immune to this virus by nature,” she noted. “However, without this context, stating this number during our press conference led many to believe that we had a sudden surge in infants under the age of one testing positive. We have NOT had a sudden surge of 85 babies testing positive.”

Canales added the county had been “assertive” in testing relatives of those contaminated– specifically in essential, high-risk infrastructure jobs — and recommended that may explain the larger number of positive tests among babies. Canales claimed one infant younger than age 1 has succumbed. The baby was rushed to a hospital with unconnected symptoms and tested positive for the coronavirus, then passed away at home. She said an autopsy is being initiated to ascertain the cause of death.


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