So recently, rapper 50 Cent just filed for bankruptcy, joining the ranks of celebs who lost everything. This Grammy winner has reported estimated assets and debts in the whopping $10 million to $50 million range, as well as 1 to 49 creditors.
Statement from @50cent's lawyers on him filing for bankruptcy protection
— Ryan Ruggiero (@RyanRuggiero) July 13, 2015
Poor guy. It does seem like all those jokes about his stage name have finally become true. Forget about him taking you tho the candy shop, because he might not be able to afford even a pack of gum. Look at the guy; the gravity of it all has begun to take its toll on him.
Poor thing, he can’t find even see and feel his legs! Is it going through a nervous breakdown? Malnutrition? A fainting spell?
Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s because they’re buried under all those stacks of cash.
You know what’s said about the phrase “as poor as church mice” — when the mouse in question is Mickey Mouse, well…
These Instagram posts are allegedly a promotional stunt for his new mixtape “The KANAN Tape,” which the rapper hints will dropping anytime this week.
So I guess this confirms that rappers really do play with their money in the privacy of their own homes, just like in their music videos.
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