2012 Oscars Light Up Twitter Results [Infographic]

Oscar Twitter Mentions Infographic

The 84th Academy Awards didn’t really feature anything new in terms of show format, major surprises or other events but it did makr the biggest Oscar Twitter response in history with more than 2 million messages being posted by viewers.

The tweet with the most responses came when a Twitter user argued that the final Harry Potter movie should have been given a best picture nod.

The most tweeted moment on the other hand came after Undefeated won the Best Documentary Feature. That particular documentary was produced by none other than Sean Combs (P. Piddy).

Among the most tweeted actors were the common markers including Brad Pitt (62,025 mentions) and George Clooney (61,967) while the women were ruled by Meryl Streep (38,202) and Michelle Williams (15,610).

Here’s more Oscar buzzworth Twitter stats brought to us by ExactTarget:



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