Yahoo! Acquires Vizify, Hopes To Better Its Approach For Visual Data

Vizify Acquired by Yahoo

Yahoo has acquired visual data gatherer Vizify for an undisclosed sum. The company specializes in allowing users to create visualizations based on social-media driven data.

In a note to customers Vizify writes:

“We’ve been acquired by Yahoo!

We started Vizify in 2011 with the vision of transforming the information that we all consume and create every day into something more beautiful and personal. We were awed and grateful to see this vision taken up by so many of you as you built and shared our graphical bios, infographic cards, and videos.”

The two companies began talks last summer, attempting to determine how they could work together to approach data in a more visual manner. According to the Vizify team, after many talks they quickly realized that the two companies shared the same vision for data gathering and visualization.

The Vizify blog further notes:

“As part of the transition to Yahoo, we will be sunsetting the Vizify service (read below for more detail). As for what’s next, we can’t talk specifics just yet, but we’re excited to bring a more visual approach to data at Yahoo. We have a lot more up our sleeves and can’t wait to get started.”

SEE ALSO:Yahoo Ditching Google and Facebook Sign-In, Will Require Yahoo ID

The company further notes that it will no longer allow for new signups or purchases via paid plans. So what does that mean for current customers? Here is the full transition plan:

  • For those of you with a current paid plan, we’ll be issuing a full refund for everything you’ve paid Vizify.
  • For Premium customers who registered a domain through Vizify (like, we’ll be providing instructions so you can assume ownership of your domain, free of charge.
  • For all bioholders, free and paid, we’ll be providing a way for you to opt-in to “archive” a snapshot of your current bio that will remain live at the same URL through September 4, 2014.

The company has promised to provide more details to existing customers in the coming weeks.



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