Xbox One Debuts, Twitter Rejoices, Waits In Line

Microsoft Xbox One Launch Day

Xbox One launch day is finally here, and Twitter users couldn’t wait to show off their new gaming console, and the line they stood in to get it. Microsoft celebrated launch day with a fireworks display at the Redmond, Washington campus:

Users, on the other hand, waited in line, though some weren’t quite as long as others:

While some still waited in line, other fans were already filling YouTube with unboxing videos and sharing photos of their new baby … er, gaming console on Twitter:

Unfortunately, other Twitter users weren’t quite so lucky. For whatever reason, or excuse, they missed launch night and decided to go hunting for an Xbox One on Friday morning. Like many who attempt to buy a brand new piece of technology the day it comes out, these users had no luck finding a console:

To those enjoying, or getting ready to enjoy, their Xbox One, happy launch day!

[Image via Twitter]



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