Woman Found Dead After 42 Years, Sitting In Front Of Her TV


The body of a missing Croatian woman was discovered in her apartment — four decades and some change later.

Reportedly, Hedviga Golik was found four-two years later deceased still sitting on her couch facing the television; Photo: Wifflegif

Hedviga Golik was last seen by neighbors in 1966.

Her body however was discovered on May 12, 2008. The president of the tenants’ organization along with two neighbors broke down the door of the apartment. It was reported without reason that neighbors had been paying the missing woman’s rent and utilities for decades.

A police spokesperson commented: “The cup she had been drinking tea from was still on a table next to the chair she had been sitting in and the house was full of things no one had seen for decades. Nothing had been disturbed for decades, even though there were more than a few cobwebs in there.”

Hedviga Golik; Photo: YouTube

When the police entered Golik’s apartment, it was as if they warped back into time. The residence was preserved like a museum display. Various items around the abode, dated back for decades.

The home was dusty and full of much cobwebs however it was well kept, considering.

Photo: EZGif

The woman was never reported missing, which is why no one was searching for her.

Neighbors thought the woman had relocated before her death after she was heard “talking about going abroad.” Her body was discovered only after years of petitions by tenants to investigate the idle apartment.

Police were earlier asked by other tenants to search Golik’s apartment in 1991, but rebuffed. “I honestly don’t know why nobody has broken into the apartment. We requested it so many times, but nobody listened to us,” tenant Mirko Hovatic stressed.

The ruling to break into the apartment was eventually made after ownership of the apartment was slated for regulation that year.


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