Want To Change Your Twitter Header Pic? Here’s How

Twitter header image guide

Twitter fans, rejoice! The popular micro-blogging site is now offering an option to add header images to your profile, just like Facebook’s cover photo option.

Here’s a step-by-step just in case figuring out the easy-to-use function has somehow evaded you.

Go to your Twitter Profile page (not the homepage, click “Me”in the left-hand menu bar on the website or mobile app). Choose “settings” under your profile image or avatar, then select “Edit Profile.” After that, click “Header” and choose from one of two options: “Take Photo” or “Choose Existing photo.” The former option uses your device’s camera to snap a new pic, and the latter lets you pick from images you’ve saved to your library.

Got it? Good. Move and scale it however you like, but remember that the image size can’t exceed 1252×626 pixels (the max file size is 5MB). Though Twitter doesn’t have a minimum size, anything smaller than 640 pixels won’t look good.

The new header image will now appear behind your avatar or profile picture. Play around with it and get back to us on what you think.

There’s also a pictorial instruction guide over at Mashable if you’re one of those visual learners.

Jean-Pierre Fumey
Jean-Pierre Fumey is a multi-language communication expert and freelance journalist. He writes for socialnewsdaily.com and has over 8 years in media and PR. Jean-Pierre crafts engaging articles, handles communication projects, and visits conferences for the latest trends. His vast experience enriches socialnewsdaily.com with insightful and captivating content.


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