Walmart fights are breaking out all over the country as Black Friday shoppers search for, and argue over, the best deals. According to Twitter users, the fights were over everything from TVs and tablets to blenders and towels.
The retailer was one of several to open its doors on Thursday night, including Macy’s, Target, Best Buy, Kmart, and others. While fights were seen at a few other retailers, Walmart seemed the most popular place to start a fistfight — or carry out a stabbing — to get the best deals.
Walmart did try to avoid the typical fights and mayhem that Black Friday deals bring, but it appears the company didn’t succeed, as the Twitter hashtag #WalmartFights showed. Spokesperson Brooke Bushanan told The Huffington Post that the social media coverage wasn’t “representative of what’s actually happening at 4,600 stores.” However, we can’t be so sure.
fight broke out at walmart and the ambulance had to come #phillyforya
— Jamie Coogan (@j_coogs18) November 29, 2013
I have never felt more shame for humanity than I do right now watching people in Walmart fight over a tv, Alabama bookbag a $14 blender — Zach Colley (@zachcolley1) November 29, 2013
Fight at Walmart lol < LMAOOOOOOOOO BLACK FRIDAY IS MAKING PEOPLE GO MAD — ash (@TheNieuws) November 29, 2013
Attention @walmart shoppers, @UFC fights are in that other building… #walmartfights Support #WalmartStrikers — cassandra (@CassandraRules) November 29, 2013
It’s already been 3 fights at Walmart and the sale started at 8.. Welcome to the D. — Lucky Jones (@LiveLoveLucky) November 29, 2013
Not all coverage came from people who were also fighting for deals. Others went to Walmart just to witness the expected fights:
I’m live tweeting from Walmart where I have seen 2 fist fights over tv’s Yeah I’m crazy enough to come to a Walmart early black Friday sale — Tammy (@OkieGirl405) November 29, 2013
But other Twitter users took the best road possible and stayed away from Walmart. Instead, they chose to “witness” the fights from the comfort of their own homes.
I assume everyone’s entertainment tonight consists of searching twitter for “Walmart fights” #walmartfights
— Casey Hoerig (@CaseyinCbus) November 29, 2013
Fist fights at Walmart all over the country this morning. I’d rather carve out my kidney with a spoon than go there. Happy Holidays! — bee (@ibee32) November 29, 2013
Not trying to be too mean but watching coverage of Walmart knife fights from bed on Black Friday is awesome. — coach ledl (@Caseyledl) November 29, 2013
Kmart wasn’t one to be outdone by Walmart fights on Black Friday, though there were less videos and photos of fights going on there.
“@CassandraRules: #KMart is not to be out done by @walmart! K-Mart fights! #walmartfights”
— Nano DFWC (@NanosauR) November 29, 2013
So, some of you are probably wondering why people would fight at Walmart (and Kmart) over things as trivial as towels and TVs. Well, because … #BlackFriday. Why else?