Vancouver Woman Unknowingly Livetweets Husband’s Fatal Car Crash

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A Vancouver woman livetweeted a local fatal collision, during which she horribly realized the accident on which she was reporting involved her spouse.

Caran Johnson is the woman behind the semi-popular regionally focused @ScanCouver account, and her tagline reads: “Tweeting the crazy things that happen in the ‘Couve.”

Johnson often tweets traffic updates, and earlier this evening, had been posting to Twitter about an accident causing delays in the area.

However, she soon realized that her husband was late arriving home — and began to expect the collision with a fatality about which she’d tweeted might involve him. Johnson initially tweeted:

She later direct tweeted:

After tweeting that she had since learned he had left work feeling unwell, she admitted:

Johnson became more concerned, noting her husband was epileptic, and she added:

She asked fellow tweeters to estimate “how bad” traffic was on the affected roadway, before tweeting:


Someone else tweeted:

Caran replied:

Other users reply, telling Johnson that traffic is very badly backed up, and not to worry, and she says she can’t help but notice he isn’t answering his phone:

Finally, she updates:

Despite the horrible news, Caran Johnson managed to make it back to Twitter to thank everyone for the support and prayers.



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