Twitter Debuts ‘Welcome Back’ Feature, Encourages Active Users To Engage With Previously Inactive Users

Twitter Welcome Back Feature

Twitter has added a new “Welcome Back” feature. The new setup displays at the top of active users accounts whenever inactive users they are following suddenly sign back into the network.

Here is a screenshot of the Welcome Back feature which was spotted on the AVC blog by Fred Wilson:

Twitter Welcome Back Feature

As you can see the Welcome Back message offers a very simple ‘Compose Tweet’ button which allows users to send that Twitter user a message directly to their feed.

The new method goes outside of the traditional email spam approach which could alienate some users.

The biggest question will be whether or not Twitter users engage in meaningful discussions with their once again active Twitter friends or if we end up seeing a ton of “welcome back” messages that do very little to engage.

Do you see any value in the Twitter welcome back button?



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