Twitter is not good at generating sales on Black Friday. According to a new IBM study the social platform was responsible for 0% of online revenue on Black Friday. Overall Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube generated just 0.34% of online sales for the biggest shopping day of the year.
The study found that while users did not click through on links to buy Black Friday items they did use Twitter, Facebook and other platforms to offer praise for the low priced deals they found while shopping.
According to the report shoppers had a “positive sentiment” at a 3 to 1 ration on social networks when referring to in-store deals.
Twitter’s 0% contribution arrives even though Thanksgiving sales rose by 17.4% year-over-year and Black Friday deals were up 20.7% for the same annual period.
While Twitter contributed 0% to Black Friday sales mobile device use rose by 24% from 14.3% the year prior.
Twitter may not have directed sales on Black Friday but anyone who searched for “Black Friday” hashtags and keywords over the last month surely saw the large number of ad announcements and other information that made their way onto the web well ahead of the shopping holiday.