The Twitter ad platform is entering the 21st century. The company is implementing ad serving technology that will check a users browser history to determine which websites they have recently interacted with.
In a blog post the company explains the new ad system:
“How does this work? Let’s say a local florist wants to advertise a Valentine’s Day special on Twitter. They’d prefer to show their ad to flower enthusiasts who frequent their website or subscribe to their newsletter. To get the special offer to those people who are also on Twitter, the shop may share with us a scrambled, unreadable email address (a hash) or browser-related information (a browser cookie ID). We can then match that information to accounts in order to show them a Promoted Tweet with the Valentine’s Day deal. This is how most other companies handle this practice, and we don’t give advertisers any additional user information.”
Twitter wants users to understand that turning off the personalized ad setup is possible and simple. Uncheck the box next to Promoted Content in the account settings section of your Twitter account and Twitter will not match ads to your browsing history.
Twitter also supports Do Not Track (DNT) technology and it will continue to respect a users DNT settings located inside their browser of choice.
You can visit the Twitter Help Center for more information about the new ad-targeted settings. Twitter has also added a short update to its Privacy Policy under the contracts “Third Parties” terms.