Why Is True Blood Ending? Social Media Freaks Out [Twitter Reacts]

true blood ending

Spoilers! News True Blood is ending after its seventh season was announced today, and the fanosphere of the internet (Twitter included) had a mini-meltdown — book readers in particular who have met more recent entries with mixed levels of acceptance and tolerance.

Overall, True Blood ending is bad news both for TV and book fans, who now have no Sookie stories left to hear when the tenth episode of the seventh season airs next summer. But more interestingly, the series will stop halfway through the books and leave an interesting quandary — will the remaining arcs stay somewhat true, or will fans get what they really wanted out of the series? (You guys know what I’m talking about.)

We don’t know why True Blood is ending just yet, but we have our theories (cough cough, Sam, cough.) And we have fandom teeth gnashing!

The ending of True Blood was met with some outcry on Twitter, some joke cracking, too — like this:

There were in-universe references:

Cast comments:

Comments from other famous people:

And regular person commentary with which we happen to agree:

How did your Twitter react to True Blood ending?



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