Are you ready for a hashtag war? Last night on @Midnight Chris Hardwick challenged Mike Phirman, “Weird Al” Yankovic,” Mamrie Hart and the rest of Twitter to come up with their best #NaughtyComicBooks.
Well, Twitter delivered.
The hashtag has been trending all morning thanks to titles like “The Knob Goblin” and “Super Cam Girl.”
Here are the best #NaughtyComicBooks from Twitter.
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Of course, the people on Twitter weren’t the only ones to come up with some great #NaughtyComicBook titles. Here’s the clip from @Midnight.
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The Naughty Comic Books hashtag was designed around fake titles but some Twitter users didn’t see the need to make things up. After all, some comic books include some ridiculously naughty panels.
Batman and Robin are not gay… Batman and Robin are not gay… Batman and… Ah crap @midnight #NaughtyComicBooks
— (((Aaron Walker))) (@AaronWorthing) May 14, 2014
Superman gets spanked. I'm not making this up #NaughtyComicBooks @midnight
— (((Aaron Walker))) (@AaronWorthing) May 14, 2014
Why make up #NaughtyComicBooks when they already exist?
— Nien Nunb (@Nien_Nunb) May 14, 2014
Did you participate in last night’s hashtag war? What’s your favorite #NaughtComicBooks?