A Ratcliffe, Texas family is claiming to have caught a Chupacabra.
The Chupacabra is a cryptid rumored to inhabit parts of the Americas. The name comes from the Spanish term for goat sucker, with the animal reported to have a habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, with a particular fetish for goats.
Jackie Stock told the media that her husband had captured the creature while it was sitting in a tree on their property eating corn on Sunday night.
“He called me to come and look and I said, ‘Bubba that looks like a baby chupacabra,'” Stock said.
The animal they have presented (pictured above) is a hairless dog looking type creature that is reported to growl.
The fact that if it looks like a hairless dog and sounds like a hairless dog, it probably is a hairless dog or similar canine is a fact lost in the story however.
A neighbor stated “You know, I hunted coons 20 years with dogs and I ain’t never seen anything that look like that right there….Coon don’t make that noise, or a possum, what makes that noise, I guess a chupacabra does.”
We can also confirm that it’s not an elephant, but that doesn’t make it a Chupacabra.
Interest in Chupacabra’s spiked Friday morning when it was the fifth most searched term on Google.