Tell All App Secret Adds Nearby Gossip And Social Sharing

Secret app

Secret, the app for sharing what you’re thinking and feeling without judgment has updated its app with two new major features. With the share feature, users can now share any secret they see in the app via Facebook, Twitter, SMS, or email.

The nearby feature allows users to view secrets shared by people who are nearby them. This update could attract more people and result in more sign ups as the content gets spun out into the social media sphere.

However, the features could also scare some people away from sharing more serious secrets even though everything posted to Secret is anonymous.

Secret app

The team over at Secret is banking that the growth that will come from public sharing will be worth it in the long run and offset any negative effects it may cause.

Secret posted on their blog that they believe great ideas should spread on their own merit, and that whenever someone likes your post it will spread to their friends, if their friends like it, it continues to reach even further and that’s how ideas travel on secret just like the real world.

The startup hopes the new features will help users discover more about their friends and the people close to them.



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