If you go on Twitter today you’ll probably be bombarded with hashtags like #HobbyLobby #NotMyBossesBusiness or #SupremeCourt. That’s because the Supreme Court just handed down an extremely controversial decision on birth control, religious freedom, and Obamacare.
The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 today that employers with religious objections (Hobby Lobby) can opt out of an Obamacare mandate that requires companies to provide contraception to employees.
#HobbyLobby takes us dangerously close toward a society where rights of corporations trump the basic rights of women who work for them.
— Rep. Ted Deutch (@RepTedDeutch) June 30, 2014
Why do my employer’s religious convictions supersede my own personal choices? #HobbyLobby decision is wrong. — Michael Okuda (@MikeOkuda) June 30, 2014
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg led the #HobbyLobby dissenting opinion saying, “The Court, I fear, has ventured into a minefield.”
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) June 30, 2014
Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the opinion: “Under the standard that [the Religious Freedom Restoration Act] prescribes, the HHS contraceptive mandate is unlawful.”
The decision is a major victory for opponents of Obamacare. Of course, not everyone is happy. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote in her dissent that the decision could open the door for other companies to ignore laws based on religious objections.
Ginsburg writes in her 35 page dissent: “Although the court attempts to cabin its language to closely held corporations, its logic extends to corporations of any size, public or private … In sum, your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man’s nose begins.”
As a Muslim and a woman, one day I hope to have as many rights as a #HobbyLobby. #WarOnWomen — Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) June 30, 2014
The Court has placed the personal religious beliefs of employers over the health care needs of their female employees. #HobbyLobby #SCOTUS
— Rep. John Yarmuth (@RepJohnYarmuth) June 30, 2014
Of course, the decision was also hailed as a major victory by some.
Glad to hear #SCOTUS ruled in favor of #HobbyLobby. A big win for religious freedom. — Paul Ryan (@PRyan) June 30, 2014
Hey ladies, here is a totally free form of BC you need no one to tell you to use. It’s called abstinence or more close ur legs #HobbyLobby
— Shulze (@BwellGroup) June 30, 2014
I’m going shopping at #HobbyLobby today just to celebrate their Supreme Court victory for religious freedom s nd… https://t.co/aJaNXrmu6X — Rebecca Kiessling (@RebeccaKiesslin) June 30, 2014
So now Dems want to “burn down” #HobbyLobby ? Yeah, that’s showing respect for the Constitutional power of #SCOTUS huh.
— EPU (@paul_fuller) June 30, 2014
photo credit: Nicholas Eckhart via photopin cc