Steve Gleason Live-Tweets Saints-Eagles Playoff With His Eyes

Steve Gleason Saints Game

Former Saints defensive back Steve Gleason live-tweeted the Saints-Eagles playoff game on Saturday using his eyes. Gleason suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s disease.

The former NFL player was responsible for one of the best moments in New Orleans football history when he blocked a punt in the first game played at the Superdome after Hurricane Katrina.

However, ALS sidelined Gleason and eventually took away his ability to walk and talk. But that hasn’t stopped him from rooting for his team at home, which he happily did for a few hours on Saturday evening. His tweets about the game were intermingled with a few tweets about ALS and another important landmark.

Along with the more serious talk, Gleason was more than willing to joke around with fans, and even had a bit of an overshare regarding erectile dysfunction.

Of course, there were also a few serious tweets about the game, followed by a bit of excitement when the Saints won.

No word yet on whether Steve Gleason will live-tweet next weekend’s game between the Saints and the Seattle Seahawks.

[H/T: Bleacher Report, Image: Twitter]



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