Speak2Tweet Revived To Help Syrians Without Internet

Speak2Tweet has been in hiatus since late July and is now revived for Syrians affected by a major internet outage. On Thursday Syria was completely cut off from the internet and there’s no data coming in or out.

Landlines and mobile networks aren’t working properly either. However, for those who do have access to a working phone, they can use Speak2Tweet to help spread the word on what’s happening inside the country.

By calling one of several international phone numbers, all a user has to do is leave a voicemail. Once the message is received, the recording is automatically posted to Twitter.com/speak2tweet.

At the time of this writing only 26 tweets have been posted since the service came back online. The small number of posts could be from lack of access to a working phone or from users not being aware that Speak2Tweet exists.

You can help spread the word by sharing one of the following international phone numbers to call:

  • +90 212 339 1447
  • +30 21 1 198 2716
  • +39 06 62207294
  • +1 650 419 4196

The service is completely free to use. It’s great to see Google and Twitter team up yet again with this great feature. Speak2Tweet played a big role during the Egypt uprising in January 2011 when internet was completely shut off as well.



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