Social platforms have been around since the moment the internet became a reality. Many of us remember contacting one another via bulletin board systems, then through emails, and later by using AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). As internet users became more intertwined with online chatter they continued to seek out new forms of online social communication.
In 2003 MySpace helped usher in a new age of social networking by creating a system that formed deeper connections and more social sharing.
Whether we knew it or not the internet landscape was rapidly changing and over the next decade billions of social media users would join Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other platform that suit varying user needs.
The team at DashBurst examined the influence of social media company’s to determine how and why that influence has increased so much in recent years.
The company quotes web strategist Jordan Raynor:
It has never been easier to be as influential as you can be today. Information is cheap. Information is easier to produce. And if you have a quality message, it’s never been cheaper to get out.”
That statement has never been more true. For example, 64% of Twitter users are more likely to buy products from brands they follow online.
It is also easier than ever to influence people when they are spending a whopping 405 minutes per month on Facebook and following their favorite brand pages en masse.
Social media influences people in their online and offline lives and can be manipulated to help businesses extend their reach and push their products out to online users.
Check out some of DashBurst’s social network statistics to better understand how social media is influencing users at a rapid rate: