Two bombs exploded at the Boston Marathon exactly one year ago today. Since the tragedy Boston has become a metaphor for strength and perseverance, the city a rallying point for all Americans in the face of terror.
#BostonStrong remains the cry on the anniversary of the bombing.
Three people were killed and over 260 injured when two pressure cooker bombs were set off at 2:49 EDT near the finish line of the famed distance race.
A moment of silence was observed across the nation at that exact time today.
There was also a small ceremony held at the bombing site for family of the victims. Reporters were kept away from the proceedings.
Celebrities, actors, politicians, athletes, ex-Presidents and bloggers reacted on social media in a somber memorial for victims of the senseless act of terror.
We're all on the same team. #BostonStrong
— Boston Red Sox (@RedSox) April 15, 2014
A year later, we remember. We remember the three people who died that day & the more than 260 injured. #bostonstrong
— Jeff Denham (@RepJeffDenham) April 15, 2014
Sending my love to the people of Boston. Your spirit is incredible. #BostonStrong
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) April 15, 2014
So proud to be part of this great city #BostonStrong
— David Ortiz (@davidortiz) April 15, 2014
All my thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the Boston Marathon Bombings last year #BostonStrong
— Wes Welker (@WesWelker) April 15, 2014
#BostonStrong you will always be my home and the greatest city in the world.
— Mark Wahlberg (@mark_wahlberg) April 15, 2014
One year later, inspired by so many stories of survival and hope. My thoughts are with Boston today. #BostonStrong
— Bill Clinton (@billclinton) April 15, 2014
My prayers go out to all of the families affected by the Boston Marathon Bombing on the one year anniversary of the tragedy #BostonStrong
— Carmelo Anthony (@carmeloanthony) April 15, 2014
— Josh Wolf (@joshwolfcomedy) April 15, 2014
Took a little run in honor of Boston. #BostonMarathon #BostonStrong
— Joe O'Leary (@Ojoe96) April 16, 2014
In a startling development late Tuesday a bomb squad was called to investigate a lone backpack left discarded at the finish line. Police have already have a suspect in custody who is potentially responsible for this sick joke.
[Image Credit: T. Fernandes]