Social Media #BostonStrong On Bombing Anniversary

Two bombs exploded at the Boston Marathon exactly one year ago today. Since the tragedy Boston has become a metaphor for strength and perseverance, the city a rallying point for all Americans in the face of terror.

#BostonStrong remains the cry on the anniversary of the bombing.

Three people were killed and over 260 injured when two pressure cooker bombs were set off at 2:49 EDT near the finish line of the famed distance race.

A moment of silence was observed across the nation at that exact time today.

There was also a small ceremony held at the bombing site for family of the victims. Reporters were kept away from the proceedings.

Celebrities, actors, politicians, athletes, ex-Presidents and bloggers reacted on social media in a somber memorial for victims of the senseless act of terror.

In a startling development late Tuesday a bomb squad was called to investigate a lone backpack left discarded at the finish line. Police have already have a suspect in custody who is potentially responsible for this sick joke.

[Image Credit: T. Fernandes]

Pete Myers

Pete Myers is a father, writer and small business owner who lives in Des Moines. Pete is an advocate for veterans groups that seek to improve awareness of PTSD and reduce suicide rates among returning Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans. In his spare time he lives, breathes and eats sports.


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