Sport Illustrated swimsuit model Chrissy Teigen posted a naked (and very NSFW) picture of herself to Instagram yesterday because, well, why the hell not?
The 27-year-old Maxim calendar cover girl (and, fun bit of trivia, former Deal or No Deal briefcase model) stunned the Internet this morning with a nude photo of herself on her Instagram, posted the night before. It shows Teigen, nude, looking pretty (orgasmically) thrilled while a female friend suggestively points a hose at her face.
So why the pornographic pose? Is Chrissy Teigen trying to one-up fellow Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton? Score some cheap press?
It looks like she just wanted to get Insta-banned, actually.
“If this doesn’t get me suspended I dunno what will,” she said with the photo.
The photo was originally posted around 10pm EST last night. It was still up as of 8am this morning, with about 6,500 likes. It was officially taken down by Instagram at 11:25am EST because it’s a clear violation of Insta’s “nude, partially nude, or sexually suggestive photos” rule.
Gosh, too bad you missed it.
… Just kidding. A slightly-censored version is posted below. It’s still extremely NSFW. You were warned. If you want the unadulterated version, maybe I’ll tweet it to you if you ask nicely.
What do you think of Chrissy Teigen’s naked Instagram photo? You can follow Teigen on Twitter and Instagram just in case she pulls another X-rated stunt.