Shia LaBeouf Song Entertains/Terrifies Twitter

There aren’t many celebrities of our time that are quite like Shia LaBeouf. Since rising to prominence thanks to his starring role in the Disney Channel’s Even Stevens, the actor has rarely spent more than a few months without being featured in the gossip pages. Whether he’s taking a knife to his face for a movie role or appearing on a red carpet with a paper bag over his head, Shia never seems to be too far away from some strange happening.

First coming to prominence back in 2012, the song by musician Rob Cantor known as ‘Actual Cannibal’ or simply ‘Shia Labeouf’ might be familiar to you from the first time it became a social media hit. Now, Cantor has released a video of a live performance of his musical tribute to the legend of LaBeouf to YouTube, and it is well worth watching.

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be pursued by the Transformers actor before engaging him in a fight to the death, this song will likely have a lot of answers for you. Cantor is backed by a large choir, a string quartet and several other musicians to give the performance the grand feel that it so richly deserves.

It’s very difficult to say who exactly this video is aimed at — although its ending might give a few clues — but the internet has been lapping it up. It’s gone viral across just about every social network going, as news about Shia tends to, with Twitter being especially fond of it.

For all the bad press that Shia seems to get, it’s quite refreshing to see him being linked to something that’s bringing joy to so many — even considering that the song itself describes him as a lunatic cannibal chasing a seemingly innocent victim. Is it such a crazy thought to think that the song could be the beginnings of a comeback for the often maligned actor? Seemingly not, going by some tweets.

However, there’s a sense of the macabre alongside the comedy factor of the video. Shia can be creepy enough by himself sometimes, but things are really ratcheted up to 11 for the video — and it’s certainly had an effect on some viewers who’ve taken to Twitter to share their concerns.

The live performance of ‘Actual Cannibal’ is that rare YouTube treat, bringing a smile to your face and instilling a deep fear of Shia LaBeouf at the same time. It’s made all the better by — and consider this a spoiler if you’ve not already seen the video in full — the cameo appearance by Shia himself in its climactic Citizen Kane reference, a moment that seems destined to be immortalized in animated GIF form.

What do you think of the live ‘Actual Cannibal’ video? For that matter, what do you think of Shia LaBeouf? Make your voice heard in the comments section below, or catch us on Twitter via @SocialNewsDaily.

Magui Sandjou


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