Schick’s New Pinterest Board Is Inspired By Pubic Hair

Pinterest and Schick

Prune For June - Pinterest

The Schick Quattro for Women TrimStyle is “the only razor and bikini trimmer in one,” and the company is promoting its new invention with a Pinterest board inspired by pubic hair.

Among the new pins from the personal hygiene company are The Landing Strip and The Bare-muda Triangle.

The pins are part of the company’s Prune for June campaign that runs through the end of the month.

In a press release Schick encourages women to “discover their trimstyle personality” and the company provides links to five style and beauty bloggers who have already discovered their trimstyle.

None of the content on the Pinterest boards is R-rated since Pinterest has a no nudity policy.

On its Pinterest account Schick proclaims:

“Just pick a topiary theme and create your own summer-inspired Pinterest board.”

You can even win some money and other prizes by entering the contest located at

What do you think of Schick Quattro’s new Women TrimStyle campaign on Pinterest?


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  1. It's pretty funny and original.. Maybe ill go follow their pinterest boards lol.
    atleast oyu have a chance to win stuff from all this craziness :p