Sandy Hook Shooting Game Is Disgusting And The Internet Agrees

Sandy Hook Shooting Game

The online video game “The Slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary School,” has been widely condemned and for good reason. In the game creator Ryan Jake Lambourn walks players through the Sandy Hook shooting in the role of gunman Adam Lanza.

Players are asked to shoot and kill 26 child and adults before the game congratulates them with a “score” for their killing spree.

The games creator swears he was attempted to spread a “gun safety” message but nobody is buying that message. In fact, Twitter is abuzz with messages of anger towards the Sandy Hook shooting game. One of the first people to speak out publicly was a member of Victoria Soto’s family who tweeted:

And the messages against the Sandy Hook shooting game only continued as Twitter user @_SusanParadise_ added:

Even the gun control fighting and ultra-conservative Fox News has Tweeted in disgust with the game’s existence:

Some Twitter users feel we should just stop talking about it so players won’t discover and end up liking the disturbing first-person shooter:

There are literally hundreds of Tweets speaking out against the game and its claim that gun control is at the heart of the message.

The National Rifle Association has not spoken about the game. In fact, that organization often blames violent video games for shooting deaths. Although the NRA has in the past used video games to promote safe gun lessons.



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