Rubio Reaches For Water, Distracts Twitter From Rest Of Speech

marco rubio drinks water

Marco Rubio gave a well thought out, logical, intelligent rebuttal to President Obama’s State of the Union on Tuesday night. It’s too bad that no one heard what he was saying because everyone was too focused on the fact that Rubio reached for some water during his speech.

Yes, America’s collective attention span broke because Rubio took two seconds out of his speech to grab some water.

rubio water gif

In the Twitterverse’s defense, it was a very awkward moment.

Rubio was in the middle of making a point about his frustrations in Washington when he suddenly had the urge to quench his thirst. Rubio then reaches for a bottle of water but it’s a little bit further than he expected.

Rubio then went on to talk about big government and big business but it was too late; memes were being made, tweets were being sent, and Rubio’s message was lost.

And it wasn’t just your average Twitter user that got distracted by the moment.

The Atlantic Wire posted a Gif deconstruction.

Deadline posted a slow-mo version.

And CNN added the video to its State of the Union highlight reel.

The country should be talking about President Obama’s promises. We should be talking about Marco Rubio’s response. But why would we talk about that when there are gifs to be made?

Oh, right. Because memes and gifs are a lot more fun than recessions and unemployment rates.

At least Rubio had a sense of humor about it.



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