Did you think the Ray Rice controversy was over? A new video was released today which shows the NFL player punching his wife in an Atlantic City elevator.
Rice was suspended by the league for two games after a video surfaced showing him dragging his unconscious wife out of the elevator. The new video, which was released by TMZ this morning, shows the actual physical altercation and many people are calling on NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to revisit Rice’s suspension.
This isn’t a legal court or done case. Goodell should reopen the Rice case and suspend him for as long as he could.
— SportsBlogNewYork (@SportBlogNYC) September 8, 2014
The NFL is not a court of law. Goodell should re-open the Rice case and give him a proper punishment
— Ben Volin (@BenVolin) September 8, 2014
Goodell has already admitted that he “got it wrong” with the Ray Rice suspension but the commissioner’s apology is far from enough to soothe the internet’s fury. With the release of the new video, several people are calling for Ray Rice to receive a larger punishment. Some are now even calling for Goodell’s resignation.
Roger Goodell’s position as Commissioner of the NFL is no longer tenable. Whether he saw the #RayRice video or he did not, he failed.
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) September 8, 2014
if the NFL reacts to TMZ video of Rice it won’t be because Goodell has now seen it.It will because Goodell now knows that YOU have seen it
— John Steigerwald (@Steigerworld) September 8, 2014
Mr. Goodell: Your season is in midst of its opening weekend, and no one is talking about the games. I think you may have a problem.
— John Walters (@jdubs88) September 8, 2014
If you have a Mom, Grandmother, wife, daughter, girlfriend, cousin or female friend & you rise & cheer a Rice TD, get your head examined.
— Brandon Tierney (@BrandonTierney) September 8, 2014
I don’t see Rice playing professional football again. And Goodell’s job is now on the line, too.
— Jason Whitlock (@WhitlockJason) September 8, 2014
According to TMZ, Roger Goodell and the Baltimore Ravens probably saw the video before handing down Ray Rice’s suspension. A casino employee told the gossip magazine that the video was made available to the NFL but a spokesman for the league said that Goodell never say the footage.
The spokesman said: “We requested from law enforcement any and all information about the incident, including the video from inside the elevator. That video was not made available to us and no one in our office has seen it until today.”
So, either one of two things is true. Either the league did see the video and they are now lying about it. Or, the NFL has worse investigators than TMZ.
[Image Via Wiki]