WWE Star Randy Orton Probed After ‘Pulling Out His Pecker’ In Backstage Ritual


WWE legend, Randy Orton, is alleged to have shocked new writers by pulling out his penis in an outlandish ritual to get them to shake his hand.

WWE icon Randy Orton; Photo by: eWrestlingNews

In a brief statement to wrestling news sites, WWE said: “WWE is looking into the matter.”.

Court Bauer, ex-WWE writer, claimed Orton would confront new writers backstage prior to removing his penis and then yammering at them.

Orton then demanded the writers shake his hand even after he touched his genitals, and threatened to inform WWE bosses if they declined.

Bauer said: “For every new writer that would show up, he come in the room put his hand down his pants, pull out his d***, touch himself, then say ‘I’m Randy Orton, shake my hand.

“‘Oh, you you don’t want to shake my hand?’. You’re big leaguing me?

“That’s f****d up man. Should I tell Vince and Steph you wont shake Randy Orton’s hand?”

The former WWE writer explained Orton would sometime carry on for 5 minutes ranting at staff members with his penis out.

He stated Orton, too known as ‘The Viper’, whipped out his penis in front of staff members when he first joined WWE.

WWE head Stephanie McMahon walked in backstage once however, and Orton swiftly put his genitals away before she could witness.

Bauer contended Orton carried out this ritual throughout his entire vocation with WWE.

When queried if he ever shook Orton’s penis-riddled hand, Bauer countered he is a “germaphobe”.


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