Random Shirtless Dude Asks Out Sexy Local News Anchor Amid CA Wildfire [Video]

shirtless dude asks out anchor

No one can say that this shirtless dude doesn’t have his priorities in order.

Record heat levels and severe drought have ushered California into wildfire season a little early this year. Spread by powerful winds, a fire started in San Bernardino National Forest has already burned over 1,000 acres. Despite working around the clock, firefighters only have it about 10 percent contained.

Now pretend you’re a young guy watching all of that on your TV when you notice that the sky has turned orange and smoke is rolling across your windows. The anchor announces that the fire has reached the foothills of east Los Angeles and you think “that’s me!” and jump up out of your seat to go outside and panic with your neighbors.

You grab your trusted stalwart companion, a pup named “Knuckles,” and head out the door without your shirt.

You wander around and panic with your neighbors some, and that’s fun, but after you realize that it’s all smoke and no fire, you decide to take a walk down the block to see if you can get a glimpse of the flames. Instead, you glimpse Courtney Friel, an anchor for KTLA, and boy is she pretty.

Cameras are rolling (and operated by a 5-year-old), but who cares. You and Knuckles confidently swagger up to a panicked Friel and her camera crew because you’re a man, and more, you’re a man in a dangerous situation, meaning that your instincts for self-preservation and peeing your pants instantly turn to courage and recklessness when you catch a glimpse of bewbs.

You’ll have to watch the video to see how shirtless dude’s adventure ends. Let us know how you would have said if you were Courtney Friel in the comments below!

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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