While the house of Lannister, Baratheon, Greyjoy and Stark fight for supremacy in Game Of Thrones, the Queen Of England managed to quietly sneak into the castle and gaze upon the Iron Throne.
Queen Elizabeth II could have claimed the Iron Throne for her own (that would have been a hell of a twist) but she declined to sit in the seat of kings of the 7th Kingdom.
Caption this: the Queen and the Iron Throne https://t.co/FVLLJJo8zT @gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/rd7hFjsFFu
— The Guardian (@guardian) June 24, 2014
The Queen of England visited the set of Game Of Thrones today and had the chance to sit on the Iron Throne. The Queen apparently thought that it was far to sharp and dangerous (it is made of swords) and passed on the opportunity. HBO did, however, give the Queen a miniature Iron Throne for her to take home with her.
The Queen is presented with a miniature #IronThrone during her visit to the @GameOfThrones set #QueeninNI pic.twitter.com/yIbwvlQs8W — BritishMonarchy (@BritishMonarchy) June 24, 2014
The Daily Mail reports that the Queen met several cast members during her visit to the Game of Thrones set. She reportedly talked with Kit Harington (Jon Snow), Lena Headey (Queen Cersei Lannister), and Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark).
Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark, said: “(The Queen) kept commenting on how uncomfortable the throne looked, that was funny.”