Let it not be said this woman does not know how to entertain herself in the middle of a subway wifi blackout.
A good number of railways and subway systems now offer seamless wifi for everyone’s entertainment, but the MTA has been struggling for quite a while to do so. This makes many of its patrons find alternative way to keep their sense busy — load up their players with tunes, or just scroll through a book their currently on courtesy of their ebook readers.
Stranger things have been seen on the subway route — from to a rat with a taste for pizza, but this lady kicks it old-school.
A woman on the subway printed out 15 pages of Facebook posts and is just reading the comments ? pic.twitter.com/JEbnzM9ftR
— Alex Steinman (@AlexSteinman) July 6, 2016
Alex Steinman, a social media editor for Entertainment Weekly, couldn’t help but snap a discreet photo of the lady. Thankfully, said lady was rather engrossed with what does look like 15 printed pages of Facebook comments.
This makes us ask so many questions? What were the comments about? Was the thread funny? Emotional and dramatic? Flame-y? What did she plan to do with all that paper afterwards? so many questions.
In the mean time, Twitter also had a ton of reactions for this picture. It also went viral pretty fast.
@AnthonyQuintano and to think I almost stuck with the “never tweet” rule ?
— Alex Steinman (@AlexSteinman) July 7, 2016
@AlexSteinman you single-handedly saved Twitter with this Tweet.
— Anthony Quintano (@AnthonyQuintano) July 7, 2016
Oh, Andy, you kidder.
@aclayton33 Andy
— Alex Steinman (@AlexSteinman) July 6, 2016
This woman sets the rules of her own game, and doesn’t give a single F*ck.
@pattitudez ????
— Alex Steinman (@AlexSteinman) July 7, 2016
Or maybe, you know, she just might be doing research.
@AlexSteinman She is a journalist writing an article about the bullshit you drop on social media
— Erik de Vlieger (@EWdeVlieger) July 8, 2016