Today is Pi Day and you know what that means… No, it’s not a time to celebrate the advancements made in mathematics over the last few centuries. Silly nerds. It’s time to celebrate social media marketing.
Just about every brand has taken advantage of the #PiDay hashtag in someway today. And why wouldn’t they? #PiDay has been trending on Twitter all day which makes it the perfect opportunity for brands to get their message out.
ATT turned their phone into a piece of pie…
Getting kids interested in #STEM should be easy as #Pi. #PiDay
— AT&T (@ATT) March 14, 2014
… Red Bull made a joke about the engineering of energy …
Engineered for energy. Happy π day.
— Red Bull (@redbull) March 14, 2014
… and Bing. Well, Bing needs to hire someone else to do their social marketing.
Happy 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 307816… Day. #piday
— Bing (@bing) March 14, 2014
Maybe they can talk to the person who runs Pizza Hut’s Twitter account. Not only was Pizza Hut able to attract some views to its account by jumping on the #piday bandwagon. They were able to make their own hashtag, PizzahutPiDay, trend on Twitter. Of course, Pizza Hut did have one major advantage: Free pie.
For 3 hours (1-4 CDT) we’re giving out 140 gift cards. Tweet #PizzaHutPiDay for your chance.
— Pizza Hut (@pizzahut) March 14, 2014
Pizza Hut asked it’s fans to use #pizzaHutPiDay on Twitter for the chance to win a free gift card. Some people might consider that cheating but not us… We like free pizza. (Hint hint.)
Pizza Hut may have had an advantage over companies like Red Bull, ATT, and Bing (poor, poor Bing) but it wasn’t the only pizza company to try to take advantage of the hashtag.
RT if you’re 3.14 times more excited to eat a pie today. #PiDay.
— Domino’s Pizza (@dominos) March 14, 2014
It’s Pi Day, Pi Day gotta get down on Pi Day. #HappyPiDay
— Little Caesars (@littlecaesars) March 14, 2014
But I don’t see #DominosPiDay trending… And that’s why the person running Pizza Hut’s Twitter account wins the social media marketing award.