Like, who doesn’t love tacos!

Raise your hand, if you typically have taco night (in your household) every week?
We bet – about 6 out of 10 of you raised your hands, too. Well, we sure did! #TeamShrimpTacos
What is it exactly about tacos, that’s makes everyone go zany like shark week, or football season does?

Alrighty … anywho back to the tacos. Why do we heart them so?
Several reasons actually. For starters, tacos are totally awesome to wake up to. Nowadays you can find tortilla-wrapped taco versions of all your most loved breakfast sandwiches (e.g. scrambled eggs and sausage-filled tacos!).
Or take a weekend night – after a couple of drinks, you KNOW you’re bound to crave tacos combined with oozy cheeses and succulent meats – right? Naturally. What better than these inexpensive casual, and delectable bites to satisfy your late-night munchy attack? Nada.

Additionally, whether you’re a salivating carnivore or a vegetarian, you’ll find a variation that is ideal for you. So as you see, you just can’t lose with tacos no way!
Below, obviously, this pitbull feels the same way (about tacos).
Lucky, previously was a cold, starving, abandoned pitbull that was even locked in a house for weeks. Then, somebody turned around not long after and shot him in the leg and face! Fortunately, Lucky (no pun intended) lived and was ultimately rescued March 5, 2016 by his current owners.
We hope you enjoyed the video and that Lucky inspired you to follow your dreams, too!
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