Whether Lesa Hall is real or fake yet seems to be up in the air, but this news story seems to be all over the web and is funny as Hell so we had to share it in case any of you missed it.
The Zaring (rhymes with daring for a reason when you see the final result) family recently contacted photographer Lesa Hall to do a family photograph on a perfectly sunny day outside so they could have a memory forever forged into the photographic ether of the universe. Little did they know what was in store for them.
This is what they got back from said photographer after a few days of waiting:
That is nightmare inducing.
Wow, how did she capture these ghosts on film? Wait, those are ACTUAL PEOPLE? YIKES!
So now I know what Casper the Friendly Ghost would look like as a Mom and a Grandmother. Cool, I guess?
And the funniest part is the family called the photographer out and she refused to give back the insane $250 she charged for the photos and ALSO went on to tell the Zaring family she was not taught how to do post-production touch ups. At least she KNOWS her weakness, but in perfect sunlight on a sunny day outside you shouldn’t need touch-ups, honestly. Looks like trolling to me. Expensive trolling.
It has to take SOME skill to turn a very normal looking family into what look like ghosts or what I think zombies would look like in real life. Good job on that front, Lesa! Maybe get into horror movie effects?
At least the family got a good laugh from it. For me, though, it is pure nightmare fuel.