You remember Romeo Rose, AKA “Sleepless in Austin,” AKA “Larry Busby,” who is willing to pay a $1,500 finders fee to whoever can set him up with his future bride, so long as she’s not black because black people are animals, but hey, he’s not racist, right?
Romeo’s website, which includes an epic 1500-word treatise on his ideal woman, went viral last week and got him all sorts of the wrong kind of attention thanks to stuff like this:
“I will not date a Black girl. I don’t care if she looks like Halle Berry, I will not ever date a Black girl.
However, I will date any other race, Hispanic, Mexican, Spanish, Russian, Italian, French, European, White, whatever, anything except Black.”
Now, if he’s just not attracted to black people, that’s one thing. But there seems to be some shade there, prompting folks from reddit to ask what he finds so distasteful about them. That’s where stuff like this came from:
“I am NOT racist. Just because I don’t like the appearnce of black people does not make me racist. Just because I don’t like a particular painting, does not mean I dislike the medium of Art as a whole!
“But I will say this, Blacks do make up the majority of the inmates in the prisons in the country.”
Oh, Romeo.
His 15 minutes seemed like they were up after he was interviewed by Caitlyn Becker for HuffPost Live. Not only did he stonewall her over her weight (his loss), he said this:
“I find black people, they visually look disgusting to me, I mean, they look like, you know, monkeys or gorilla or an animal, you know, that’s disgusting, it’s like bestiality.”
But he’s not done yet, people. Re-visiting his reddit AMA from last week just yesterday, Romeo Rose wanted to make sure everyone understands that:
And that’s the last of Romeo Rose. We think …