The New Zealand Flag will stay the same, with the Union Jack, and this little bit of information has the internet turning eyes to what might be the most awesome country in the world. I love America but it we wanted to change our flag that bill would be stuck in Congress for a few years and there would be charges of “rampant liberalism”, “communism” and “playing politics”. In New Zealand they simply voted on the measure.
The current (and future) New Zealand flag looks like this:
Will New Zealand change its flag? Probably not. #nzflag
— CNN (@CNN) March 24, 2016
But they were considering changing it to this:
New Zealand votes to either keep their old flag, or adopt a new one.
— Hawaii Public Radio (@wearehpr) March 14, 2016
How New Zealand voted #nzflag
— News (@NZStuff) March 24, 2016
But some people on Twitter had other ideas
Frankly disappointed that New Zealand has voted to keep their flag when the competition offered these alternatives.
— Muriel Gray (@ArtyBagger) March 24, 2016
Whoops! There goes all that Chinese investment New Zealand – Rival flag design is bad feng shui via @nzherald
— Lauda Finem (@Laudafinem) March 13, 2016
But the fact that they actually let their people vote on the new New Zealand flag is not the only awesome thing about Australia’s tiny brother. Let’s not forget that the New Zealand National Ruby Team, the All-Blacks (who are the current world champions) does the Haka before their games. The Haka is a traditional war chant of the indigenous Maori tribes. Imagine if The New York Jets did a Mohawk war-dance before one of their games.
And of course, they’ve got beautiful beaches with mountains by the sea.
New Zealand
— Earth Pics (HD) (@EarthPixHD) March 24, 2016
And Lord of the Rings was filmed here, in case you didn’t know.
The Shire still exists today in New Zealand
— Actor Trivia (@ActorTrivia) March 24, 2016
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