Netflix To Release 8 New Original Series in 2015 [Video]


Get your TVs ready, Netflix will release eight new series in the new year. The success of Netflix’s other original series, such as House of Cards and Orange Is The New Black, has convinced the media company to give other shows a shot. Digital Trends is reporting the eight new shows that Netflix users can get prepared for this coming year. Here is what you can expect and any trailers that have already been released.

Bloodline (March)

If you like Damages on FX (starring Glenn Close), you may like this show by the same creative team that takes sibling rivalry to a whole new level. Four siblings in Florida find their lives turned upside down when the fifth sibling – the black sheep brother – returns and threatens to reveal their shady past. It features Kyle Chandler (Friday Night Lights) and Sissy Spacek.

The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (March)

From the creative TV genius that is Tiny Fey along with Robert Carlock (30 Rock), this comedy was originally developed for NBC. It stars Ellie Kemper (The Office, Bridesmaids) as a woman getting a new lease on life in the Big Apple after escaping from a cult that she has been part of for the past 15 years. As one can assume, hilarity, in many forms, ensues. Interestingly, each of the first 13 episodes will be just half an hour, bringing a true traditional TV sitcom feel to the service.
Daredevil (May)

Hoping to erase all memory of Ben Affleck’s portrayal of the lead character in a decade-old movie of the same name and based on the same character, this show is the first of five that will come via a deal Netflix has inked with Marvel. It will feature the blind attorney (Charlie Cox, Boardwalk Empire) with a secret superhero life. Keep an eye out for other big names, including Vincent D’Onofrio, who will play the crime boss Wilson Fisk, and Rosario Dawson, who plays a helpful night nurse.

F Is For Family (TBA)

Added to an animation roster which already includes the popular show BoJack Horseman, this show, like BoJack, is certainly not for kids. It focuses on those “good ‘ol days” when parents could smack their kids, smoke indoors and pretty much anywhere else they wanted, and come packing to the airport. Based on the standup comedy of Bill Burr, the comedian himself will voice the father character, while Laura Dern will voice mom and Justin Long the son. You can expect plenty of laughs with Burr, alongside Vince Vaughan, who serves as executive producer for the six-part series.

Sense8 (TBA)

A sizable cast in this sci-fi show focuses on a group of eight people from around the world who all find out they are somehow linked after a death. In LOST style, the group can communicate with one another as though they are physically together, and must work together to fight off enemies who believe them to be threats. It’s not surprising that part of the 14-member international cast is a LOST alum himself, Naveen Andrews (he played Sayid in the long-running show), who is joined by Daryl Hannah, and Brian J. Smith (Stargate Universe.)

A.K.A. Jessica Jones (TBA)

We’ve seen her most recently as a drug addict in Breaking Bad, then as a superficial free spirit in Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23. And now, Krysten Ritter will grace the Netflix screens as a former superhero who, suffering from PTSD, decides to hang up her cape and help others through her own detective agency. The show is headed up by Dexter’s Melissa Rosenberg, which may promise big things (if we can, of course, forget that show’s disappointing finale.) It’ll also star Mike Colter in at last half of the 13 episodes.

Between (TBA)

Created by Canadian Michael McGowan (Still Mine), we see what the world may look like if it was filled with millennials, and no one else. After a strange disease kills off everyone except those who are 21 and younger, and the youths are left to figure things out. A partnership with the City in Canada marks Netflix’s first partnership with a Canadian network.

Grace and Frankie (TBA)

If there was ever any doubt that Netflix was able to attract big talent, this show starring iconic Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin will put it to rest. The comedic pair star as mature women who get a rude awakening when their husbands declare their love for one another, and plans to get married. The show was written by Marta Kauffman, known for creating that little show called Friends, and Howard J. Morris (Sullivan & Son, According to Jim.)

In addition to these shows, Netflix says they are also planning on releasing children’s programming and documentaries. Sounds like some binge watching is in our futures!



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