Netflix To Allow For Multiple Social Profiles On Shared Accounts

Netflix Getting Multiple Account Sharing for Social

Netflix is making a much needed change to its social sharing feature. Executives at the company have made the decision to allow subscribers to set up multiple user profiles on the same account.

Anyone using the social sharing option at Netflix is aware that it can be annoying when you want to share a film or TV show you just watched on Facebook but someone else’s social accounts are attached to the platform.

According to a new report the profiles will separate viewer recommendations based on the person’s viewing history.

It should be noted that a two-person simultaneous streaming limit will still be observed regardless of the number of social profiles associated with the Netflix account.

Multiple social accounts could also help Netflix streamline the browsing experience for user.

The social video aspect for Netflix users has been pushed in 2013. The company waited to allow for social sharing after the US Congress passed a bill that made such integration fully legal based on old archaic TV laws.

The new Netflix social profile integration for multiple accounts is still in development and is due sometime this Summer.



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  1. I had no idea that you could share a Netflix account…so one could actually use another person's account without any legal issues?